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  • Writer's pictureKaren Ballou

Love Yourself

“To love yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” Oscar Wilde

Loving yourself! Truly loving yourself is powerful reflection of what you feel inside every day. And how you treat yourself. We talk a lot today about self-care, but what we are really saying is 'You are important. Value yourself. Take care of yourself. You are precious!’

Please don’t feel guilty. It’s not being selfish. If you’re healthy and happy, you can help others - even if it's just with a simple ‘hello’ or a sincere smile. Did you know that if you have the feeling of ‘love’ for yourself, it actually shows up in the energy you give out and the way you share that energy! So, what I want you to do this week is to really put into practice ‘loving yourself’ and see what you get back! I like taking time every day in various ways to love myself. I work out, I take the necessary vitamins best suited for my body and blood type. I think positive thoughts. And, in these important ways, I feel the great joy in knowing that by loving myself first, I can share my energy and love with others.... Cherish loving yourself

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself first to get anything done in this world.” Lucille Ball

With Gratitude,

Karen Ballou

Founder & CEO



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